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LOVE Sport works major sporting clubs in a range of services that have proven to be a very effective engagement tool.

Despite the glamour associated with being a sportsperson, many athletes struggle financially or mentally, not least in the period after retirement. Often athletes have given up relationships or personal goals/education in pursuit of their sporting careers, only to see it vanish when they don’t make the team or have an injury.

As such, LOVE Sport aims to bring responsibility to the whole sport industry and support the transition from sporting life to ‘the real world’ through education.

Through our programmes, we provide education and formal qualifications for athletes to help athletes create alternative career paths and build a resilient future once they retire.

Hearts of Midlothian FC Case Study - Master Chef

LOVE Sport provided a 10-week course to meet the educational needs of the candidates from Hearts Football Club while supporting the coaches and club in terms of encouraging optimum performance, independent living and a positive family life.

The course objectives were to provide participants accredited certifications and knowledge on independent living skills such as sourcing locally, food preparation, cooking, and nutrition.

Another objective from this will be independent living. Learning about sourcing food locally, budgeting for nutrition and personal habits related to food – doing this upskills candidates and creates confidence and self-management skills.

The themes and topics approached included:

  • Nutrition for sports performance using training plans
  • Sourcing locally vs Budgeting
  • Independent living vs family life
  • CV writing
  • Social media profiles in sport/safety for SM/behaviour

The qualifications received also included:

  • SQA Employability Award Level 4
  • Food Handling Hygiene Certification