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Our Intensive Support Monitoring projects (ISMs) contribute towards developing and improving the future of both youths and adults by working with people often excluded from mainstream education.

Through ISMs, we offer stability, consistency and support through the most challenging of times and circumstances.

Children ISMs

We deliver intensive support services to not only support a child to understand how to self-manage their mental health issues, but to also empower parents and carers to support them.

We work with vulnerable children with additional support needs or mental health issues, under the strict supervision of clinical or educational psychologists.

How will it work?

Upon receipt of a referral, we look to gather all necessary information from all agencies involved and create a baseline assessment which identifies the individual needs.

From this baseline assessment, we will agree outcomes and goals with the young person, their families and ultimately the referring agency.

Depending on the specifics of each child, we will propose different and tailored support such as daily support, weekend check ins, etc. Alongside this, our intensive support packages include: Mental Health and Wellbeing, Family Support and Respite Services.  All of this is further supported by our 24/7 crisis response helpline.

Our service is community based and is relationship led. We look to form positive relationships and in doing so, allow the young person to gain confidence in doing this themselves.

Our services and team

The service is monitored and evaluated, and communication happens on a weekly basis, with monthly reports issued where applicable.

All of our referrals are overseen by psychologists and our team is made up of education workers, community support workers, social workers, counsellors and mental health workers and teachers.

Each member of the team has the ability and skills to support a young person’s social, emotional and physical wellbeing, whilst being able to provide an education service to compliment this, where applicable.

Adult ISMs

Our Adult ISMs Projects focus on contributing and improving local practice for the furthest removed in the employability pipeline and the job market by increasing the self-esteem, confidence, resilience and life chances of individuals and promoting relationships and self-awareness.

All our plans are created taking into consideration the individual’s goals and what is the best route in achieving this with their worker. The individual needs to be committed to the plans and see the value in them. By understanding the potential impact of positive outcomes, people are more likely to invest their time.

We work to ensure that when creating support plans, all barriers are considered and these are taken in to account whilst setting realistic goals, they should be reviewed regularly and updated where necessary.

How will it work?

Our services run 365 days a year, we provide a 24hr crisis response helpline.

Sessions are organised with the individual and we will work with them to find times that suit them, we can accommodate evenings and weekends.

Our service is person centred and we will work to develop good relationships with each individual to ensure effective communication.

Milestones will be measured and timescales for achieving results and progress will be followed. In order to assess progress, a baseline assessment will be carried out and reassessed every 6 weeks to help in the provision of an impact report.

If an individual moves into employment, we will maintain contact for up to 12 months to ensure any issues can be supported, the same will apply for further education or upon completion of qualifications.

Who do we work with?

  • Ex-offenders
  • Ex-veterans
  • At risk of or already homeless
  • Substance misuse
  • People with mental health issues
  • Long-term unemployed
  • People who are economically inactive (not in education or training)
  • People living in workless households
  • Lone parents
  • People with low or no qualifications
  • People with disabilities
  • People with health issues (mental and physical health)
  • Women returners to the labour market
  • Migrants
  • Young people who require More Choices More Chances
  • Looked after young person
  • People with no work experience