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Additional Support Needs

LOVE Learning’s services focus on improving attendance, reducing exclusion, and preventing a lack of focus leading to an attainment gap for those with additional support needs (ASN).

In fully engaging with pupils with ASN to enhance their learning and school experiences we take ensure that every young person, no matter their learning difficulties, achieves the highest standards in literacy and numeracy with an appropriate range of skills, qualifications and achievements to allow them to succeed.

We believe it is critical to involve parents, carers and family in any proposed support interventions for parents to fully communicate across all levels of our involvement with their children. As part of our current services for schools, LOVE Learning delivers a range of projects and programmes where we engage and empower parents to access support which enables them to provide positive and tangible support to their children.

Our Methodology - Individual Support Plan

  1. School referral and assessment that takes full consideration of the pupil’s educational needs together with their social and emotional capabilities and their family relationships.
  1. On completion and full consideration of the information collated, we will work with the pupil and all involved to develop and agree an Individual Support Plan.
  1. Individual Support Plan will form the basis for the pupil’s future support which will enable the pupil and, if relevant, parents and carers to fully address issues or problems which represent barriers to the pupil’s full inclusion and attainment.
    1. Each pupil’s Individual Support Plan will be linked to and informed by other plans such as Personal Learning Plans, Individualised Educational Plans for pupils with ASN, Statutory Support Plans and Looked After Children Plans.
  1. Moving forward, the pupil will be supported by a designated LOVE Learning staff member to agree planned interventions specifically designed to address identified barriers to the pupil’s full inclusion and attainment that can be delivered in or outside school.
  1. Designated staff will assume full responsibility for the co-ordination and facilitation of agreed planned interventions. 
  1. Every pupil and parent/carer engaging with LOVE Learning will have full access to our 24/7 helpline which they can call at any time of the day or evening to discuss any issues or problems.